Compare contract rates with permanent

This calculator helps you compare "package" or "gross" salaries, daily contract rates and their equivalent standard salary number.

Updated for 2024 public holidays (including bank holiday) and the increase of super to 11.0% for financial years 2023-2024. Super percentage is increasing until FY2028

Type in the number you have

Most people in Australia quote their salary excluding tax and superannuation. Recruiters and employers like to quote it inclusive of superannuation because it sounds higher. When you're looking at contract daily rates, it's standard to include super.This calculator helps you compare "package" and "gross" salaries, and daily contract rates, with their equivalent standard salary number.

I like to always compare anything that's being offered with a "standard" salary number. With contracts, you tend to get paid more because leave, public holidays and sick leave aren't covered. This calculator accounts for that.